Grateful for making it through 2020 and for everything it has brought and taught (The last day)

This article is the end of the December gratitude series, an important note to self, public review of this year and the beginning of my regular blogging schedule of the months to come. 

When I was younger, I always fantasized about flying and stoping the time. I still haven't found a way how to get my feet off the ground with the power of my mind, so we can ignore that for now. You shall be updated about how that is developing. 

The frozen time visions were mostly about not wasting even minute on doing mundane things like cleaning, cooking or grocery shopping. I really don't know what was so important in my 12-year-old life that made me wish this. Years later, I realized it could be used for reading every book, learning everything that interested me and training endlessly to become a good dancer. These are the beginnings of my generalist approach to life. Also, now that I am thinking about this, it shows a lack of patience and a horrific fear of missing out (FOMO). Psychologists opinions are welcomed in the comment section below. 


The time froze in March. We were all kinda given the thing I always wished for. In the beginning, I was sure it was just flu. A week later, I was disinfecting doorknobs around the house. It quickly became an emotional rollercoaster filled with experiences and challenges that none of us could have been prepared for. After depressive episodes and days of worrying, I made peace with the fact that I am staying home. Nothing else was happening so naturally, fomo disappeared. It allowed me to explore the things I always wanted and introduce those that I did not even know I needed.

Future Sarah reading this: I am very proud of what I have accomplished during this year, and this is just a quantifiable reminder of all those things.

Working on 3 renovation projects 
Plant store, fitness centre and a bathroom… but the most wonderful part was working alongside my dad and spending more time with him.  

Creating 4 websites 
One to help a local restaurant make it through quarantine, another for our dance school that allowed us to teach online, an e-commerce store for my project with Deni Minar and…

Starting my own blog
I finally proved to myself that time is not the issue, it is the internal voice that keeps creating excuses. Luckily, I can now proudly say that I have written 18 721 words in 22 blog posts so far.

Selling out 2 collections with Deni Minar
The accomplishments that we were able to pull off with Deni would deserve a whole blog. Most of which were about learning. However, besides selling out 2 clothing collections, we delivered 100s of personal commissions and reached 150 sales on ETSY.

Getting rid of pre-cancerous cells 
The whole story is here, but allow me to remind you to get tested for HPV and to make your regular gynaecologist or urologist appointment. 

Delivering photos from 33 photoshoots
I photographed the Mayor of Bratislava, my first fashion editorial, lots of portraits and few sneaky behind the scenes. 

Falling in love with myself and my body
Besides having my first spiritual experiences, I also implemented daily habits that are keeping my body healthy and my mind sharp. Including yoga, breathing exercises, chess, go, journaling, painting, meditation and also…

Reading 26 books
Some of which you can find on this list. For some, it might seem like a lot, for others it is nothing. But this is the very thing I wanted the time to freeze for. I did not want to waste the opportunity of getting into the reading habit.

Falling in love with Slovakia
I was fortunate enough to safely visit Amsterdam and Croatia, but enjoying the treasures of my home country was even more exciting. 

Getting, propagating and saving 29 plants 
I feel like a superhero when I manage to save someone's dying plant. Here are some tips that could help you prevent the need for rescue.  

Becoming more environmentally conscious 
After feeling a lot of shame from following greenfluencers, I finally had time to test different things and implement some that made sense to me. From refillable toiletries, separating to carefully choosing what to buy. 

And most importantly…
Spending as much time as was safe with my friends and family. 

I am so very grateful for everything I experienced this year, heart-broken for all those we have lost and hopeful for what is about to come. Happy New Year everyone.

And for the last time, let me ask, what are you grateful for today?


The magic of Bratislava covered in snow (A city without people pt.2)


Random acts of kindness and a quick wish for everyone (Day 24 - being grateful for KINDNESS)