Blog Zero - cool story about how I did not start

I have 12,417 edited pictures in my Lightroom (editing software). 
On Instagram, I posted 69. 
I have recorded content for 21 travel vlogs. 
On Youtube, I posted 0.

I just always felt like the next one would be better. More prepared. More scripted. More informative. More authentic. More valuable... And it has been going on like this for 829 days now. I know specifically because I made a public announcement on Instagram about starting on January 26th 2018. Then I talked and talked and talked about it. Planned everything. Changed everything. Then I started worrying and overthinking. And while I was so worried about failing, in the meantime I failed anyway. I failed to start.

That is why I landed on the name - Unrushed. I definitely did not have to take that much time, but I am glad I did not rush it. The good news is, you are reading this. So I must have finally pressed the publish button.

I think the first post should be about introducing myself. To be honest, I don't have answers to that. Writing the ’about’ section was one of the hardest things I had to do. It is just so hard for me to label myself. I have been dancing my whole life, then studied architecture. I started an online magazine, then toured around the world and hosted a Chinese dance event. I did artist handling and hospitality. I got excited about photography and videography. I was part of the core marketing team at the cryptocurrency project. I also build simple websites and I currently have a company with my artist friend Deni Minar.

Now I guess I am blogging…

But what does all of this make me? A generalist? A philomath? Jack of all trades? Or as the Chinese would say "Equipped with knives all over, yet none is sharp". I'm not even sure if that's meant to be positive... But maybe the time will come when I will be able to merge all of my skills and create a breakthrough idea. Or a field! OR AN INDUSTRY!!!

Sorry, I got carried away… But I am sure the time will definitely come and I will be at least able to coherently introduce myself. For now it all boils down to -  I am Sarah and I like to explore. 

Another thing that apparently should be mentioned at the beginning are the reasons for blogging and setting some goals. I decided to blog because I have travelled to a lot of interesting places. I want to show people what inspires me, what I find interesting and I hope along the way I will find like-minded people that will enjoy my fun facts and stories. My humble short term goal is to publish consistently. My ambitious long term goal is to have a platform where people go to find interesting facts, itineraries, and inspiration. I want to make people interested in travelling for the sake of learning, exploring, and understanding different cultures. I want to have a Youtube channel and I want to write a book.

But let's not get carried away again. For now, instead of writing what I "should" write, let me just start by celebrating my acceptance of the inability of reaching perfection. By publishing this website.

I did not share this introduction anywhere, so If you are reading this, you cared enough to go through the entire website. Thank you for your time and I hope in the upcoming months and hopefully years you will find something interesting, valuable, helpful, or quirky here.

Speak to you soon,


A city without people: Bratislava during covid-19