Jureš Fallgrapp and his studio routine (Photo series: Life of an artwork)

At the beginning stages of the covid crisis, there were many opinions by the general public on social media that artists should not be entitled to get supported by the state. That culture and the arts are not important or necessary during the hard times. As a result, the work of all artists and people working in the cultural industry has been insulted and degraded. The reason could be ignorance or the unawareness of what actually falls under the cultural sphere and how many everyday situations we encounter with art. My new project "Life of an artwork" is dedicated to comprehensively document the creative process of several established artists from Slovakia from various industries.

Producer, mix engineer, musician, DJ.

When you combine the humblest personality, one of the sexiest voices, a beautiful smile with an endless love for the craft of making music, you will get Jureš Fallgrapp. One of the most talented producers in Slovakia that I am honored to call my friend.

What initially started as a quick photoshoot ended up being a full-day deep-dive into Jures' creative process. We drank tea, danced, listened to A LOT of music, created a house song, exercised, and, as you do, philosophized about culture and the music industry's state. For hours.

I think I now have a better understanding of how lonely it can all get. How many years it takes to get to a point when you only start to slightly enjoy what you create. How imposter syndrome creeps in for most of us. And the sacrifices you need to make when you want to dedicate your life to music.

Here is a documentation of what Jures' days in the studio look like and maybe even feel like. And make sure to play the most recent album in the background.



This project has been supported using public funds provided by Slovak Arts Council. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Council cannot be held responsible for the information contained therein.


An ordinary studio session with my extraordinary friends (Photo series: Life of an artwork)


Italian diaries: One sunny day in Siena, Tuscany